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Encuesta de la Sociedad de Poesía
1. Where do you fall in age?
3. Do you belong to a writers' group near your residence?
4. How long have you been a member of the Poetry Society of South Carolina?
5. Have you been regularly receiving the PSSC Monthly Newsletter via email?
8. Tradicionalmente nuestros talleres han sido los sábados de 10 am a 12 pm. Por favor, marque cuál de las siguientes alternativas consideraría más preferible.
9. PSSC has traditionally not held workshops over the summer months. Should we?
10. Have you ever submitted poetry to a PSSC contest?
11. Do you belong to any other literary or writer organization?
12. Have you bought or read a book of poetry in the last 12 months?
13. Cuando lees poesía, ¿qué medio prefieres?
14. Do you listen to poetry podcasts, such as Poetry Unbound?
15. Marque cada uno de los siguientes poetas con los que está familiarizado; es decir, has leído una muestra del trabajo de ese poeta.

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