"Collapse & Surprise: Letting Uncertainty ‘Steer’ Your Poems" | Workshop with Leslie Sainz
sáb, 20 feb
|Zoom link TBD
Examining the "Poetics of Beweilderment"

Horario y ubicación
20 feb 2021, 10:00
Zoom link TBD
Acerca del evento
February 20 – Poetry Workshop with Leslie Sainz, “Collapse & Surprise: Letting Uncertainty ‘Steer’ Your Poems”
In this workshop, we will lean into what Fanny Howe refers to as a poetics and ethics of "bewilderment" to examine how granting ourselves permission to let our poems remain unknown to us strengthens our relationship to language and music, and ceremonially brings us into the presence of our readers. The work of Samiya Bashir, Lucie Brock-Broido, and Hoa Nguyen will be our guides.
Leslie Sainz is a first-generation Cuban-American, born and raised in Miami, Florida. A 2019 National Poetry Series Finalist, she received her MFA in poetry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was the Editor-in-Chief of Devil’s Lake. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from AGNI, jubilat, Narrative, Black Warrior Review, Ninth Letter, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Journal, and others. She has received scholarships, fellowships, and residencies from CantoMundo, The Miami Writers Institute, The Adroit Journal, and The Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell University.