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PSSC Poetry Trails

sáb, 25 jun


Congaree National Park next to Gift Shop

The next Poetry Trails will be at Congaree National Park in Hopkins, SC at 10 am. We will meet near the gift shop and restrooms. Come along, share a poem or favorite poem, and meet other poets while walking trails together in this protected hardwood forest.

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PSSC Poetry Trails
PSSC Poetry Trails

Horario y ubicación

25 jun 2022, 10:00

Congaree National Park next to Gift Shop, South Carolina 29061, USA


Acerca del evento

The first Poetry Trails was held at Cypress Gardens in conjunction with their Poetry Walk.  Cypress Gardens displayed the poems in the Camellia Garden areas and paths. The Poetry Society had several members who submitted a poem for the Poetry Walk including but not in any particular order Jonathan Sanchez, Yvette Murray, Charles Watts, Tina Baumis, Evelyn Berry, Traci Neal, & Lisa Hase-Jackson.The Poetry Trails participants walked together reading the poems and sharing personal ones with one another.  We included a historical PSSC poem from a yearbook to be our final poem of the trail. Our next Poetry Trails event tentatively scheduled for June 25th at Congaree National Park at 10 am. Hope to see you soon on the trails!

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