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Suirbhidh Comunn Bàrdachd
1. Where do you fall in age?
3. Do you belong to a writers' group near your residence?
4. How long have you been a member of the Poetry Society of South Carolina?
5. Have you been regularly receiving the PSSC Monthly Newsletter via email?
8. Tha na bùthan-obrach againn air a bhith ann Disathairne, 10m gu meadhan-latha. Feuch an toir thu sùil air dè na roghainnean a leanas a bhiodh tu a’ meas a b’ fheàrr.
9. PSSC has traditionally not held workshops over the summer months. Should we?
10. Have you ever submitted poetry to a PSSC contest?
11. Do you belong to any other literary or writer organization?
12. Have you bought or read a book of poetry in the last 12 months?
13. Nuair a leughas tu bàrdachd, dè am meadhan as fheàrr leat?
14. Do you listen to poetry podcasts, such as Poetry Unbound?
15. Feuch, guidheam oirbh, gach bàrd a leanas air am bheil sibh eòlach ; ie, tha thu air sampall de dh'obair a' bhàird sin a leughadh.

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