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Fàilte gu Comunn Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas (a’ comharrachadh ar 100mh bliadhna). Tha Comann Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas a’ cur fàilte air a h-uile duine agus a’ cur luach air na guthan a tha an saoghal seo a’ tabhann. Cha bhith sinn a’ dèanamh leth-bhreith stèidhichte air cinneadh, gnè, taobhadh feise, cinnidheachd, creideamh, aois no roghainn phoilitigeach. Tha sinn a’ creidsinn gu bheil Black Lives Matter, a’ seasamh an-aghaidh ana-ceartas, agus a’ toirt taic do chòir dhaoine gearan a dhèanamh.

Requiem for Past Poets:
Honoring the First 100

Building the Next 100 Years
This is a code interested parties can scan to join the Poetry Society.

Walter Edgar Interview with Former President, Jim Lundy

Cover of The History of the Poetry Society of South Carolina, 1920-2021, by James Lundy, Jr.

Click the book to purchase!

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
Logo for South Carolina Humanities, a supporter of the Poetry Society

Tha Comann Bàrdachd leughaidhean is bùthan-obrach SC a’ faighinn taic bho South Carolina Humanities, buidheann neo-phrothaideach; a’ brosnachadh, a’ dol an sàs, agus a’ beairteachadh Carolinians a Deas le prògraman air litreachas, cultar agus dualchas.

Tachartasan ri thighinn

  • Reading at The Tasting Room
    Reading at The Tasting Room
    DiM, 30 Gibl
    The Tasting Room of Travelers Rest
    30mh Gibl 2024, 17:30 – 19:30
    The Tasting Room of Travelers Rest, 164 S Main St C, Travelers Rest, SC 29690, USA
    30mh Gibl 2024, 17:30 – 19:30
    The Tasting Room of Travelers Rest, 164 S Main St C, Travelers Rest, SC 29690, USA
    The Upstate Poets and the PSSC are having another reading! Join us.
  • Kimberly Simms Workshop
    Kimberly Simms Workshop
    DiS, 04 Cèit
    Pawleys Tap House and Grill
    04mh Cèit 2024, 13:00 – 15:00
    Pawleys Tap House and Grill, 13089 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island, SC 29585, USA
    04mh Cèit 2024, 13:00 – 15:00
    Pawleys Tap House and Grill, 13089 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island, SC 29585, USA
    Please join us for this wonderful workshop related to using imagery to capture joy.
  • Pee Dee Kick Off Reading with Kimberly Simms
    Pee Dee Kick Off Reading with Kimberly Simms
    DiS, 04 Cèit
    Georgetown County Museum
    04mh Cèit 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    Georgetown County Museum, 120 Broad St, Georgetown, SC 29440, USA
    04mh Cèit 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    Georgetown County Museum, 120 Broad St, Georgetown, SC 29440, USA
    Join us as we begin our Every Corner, Every County Reading Series with poet Kimberly J. Simms in Georgetown on May 4! Workshop and Reading!
  • May Forum with John Hoppenthaler
    May Forum with John Hoppenthaler
    Dih, 10 Cèit
    Charleston Library Society
    10mh Cèit 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
    Charleston Library Society, 164 King St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
    10mh Cèit 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
    Charleston Library Society, 164 King St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
    The Forum is the last meeting of the calendar year, and as such includes a little business. The board for the upcoming 2024-2025 calendar year is elected. Our special guest poet is John Hoppenthaler, who will read for us and serve as forum moderator.
  • Workshop with John Hoppenthaler
    Workshop with John Hoppenthaler
    DiS, 11 Cèit
    Charleston Library Society
    11mh Cèit 2024, 10:00 – 11:30
    Charleston Library Society, 164 King St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
    11mh Cèit 2024, 10:00 – 11:30
    Charleston Library Society, 164 King St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
    "Every End A Beginning: Working with the Free Verse Line." Free verse isn't as free as we might think. Poems written in free verse must have architecture, too, and the onus is on the poet to create it. This structuring begins at the level of the line. End-stopped? Enjambed? Caesura manipulation?
Home: Events

Leughadh o chionn ghoirid​

Coimhead air leughaidhean o chionn ghoirid bho Chomann Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas. 

Co-fharpaisean - Tagraidhean airson Co-fharpaisean Sgrìobhaidh Earrach & Fall 

Tha dà chuairt de cho-fharpaisean bàrdachd aig PSSC gach bliadhna acadaimigeach, Fall and Spring.

Tha dàin a choisinn duaisean air am foillseachadh air an làrach-lìn seo agus anns an Poetry Society of South Carolina Yearbook, foillsichte gach bliadhna bho 1922 agus an-dràsta a bharrachd air a’ bhallrachd.

Woman Typing
Yvette Murray, Board Member, Poetry Society

Yvette Mhoireach

Ball den Bhòrd, PSSC

Tha Yvette air Sgoilearachd Samhraidh Susan Laughter Meyers airson 2022 a bhuannachadh! Creideas dealbh gu Bill Griffin. Leugh tuilleadhan seo.

"Is toigh leam dè as urrainn co-chòrdadh a dhèanamh ann an dàn, a comas a bhith a 'comharrachadh chan e a-mhàin sreath ach cuideachd rangachd agus dàimhean, a dhleastanas ann a bhith a' làimhseachadh ruitheam agus astar. Tha co-chòrdadh dha-rìribh coltach ri stiùiriche a' stiùireadh orcastra."

Susan gàire Meyers

Brùth AirsonEachdraidh Comann Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas

Air an 100mh co-là-breith aca, bidh Comann Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas a’ faighinn romp de leughadh
(ceangal air cùl balla-pàighidh)

 By Mara Hogan, Post & Courier, 21 Dàmhair, 2021

Bliadhnaichean ri dhèanamh, tha làn eachdraidh a’ chomainn bàrdachd stàite as sine san dùthaich a-nis ri fhaighinn ann an còmhdach bog.Ceannaich Deasachadh Bogsa PSSC an seo.

Cuir fios thugainn

Comunn Bàrdachd Carolina a Deas
Bogsa PO 1090
Charleston, SC 29402


Ionad PSSC Columbia

Ionad Cearcall Iubaili airson Spioradalachd agus na h-Ealain

6729 Two Notch Road, #70

Columbia, SC

Tha sinn Fosgailte don t-Saoghal
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