Sarah Cooper with Eugene Platt
Dih, 13 Dàmh
|Unitarian Church, Gage Hall
Canadian-American poet Dr. Sarah Cooper is a Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Clemson. See About the Event for more information.

Time & Location
13mh Dàmh 2023, 19:00 – 20:30 EDT
Unitarian Church, Gage Hall, 4 Archdale Street, Charleston, SC
About the event
Dr. Cooper is the author of two poetry collections: Permanent Marker (Paper Nautilus, 2020) and 89% (Clemson University Press 2022). Her poems also appear in Lunch, Sinister Wisdom, Iron Horse and in Poem-A-Day. As a professor she has received the Holman Award for teaching, was a 2021 LGBTQ+ Faculty Excellence Award winner, a 2022 Gentry Award winner for teaching excellence and the 2022 Tee A. Corrine Fellow at the University of Oregon.
Eugene Platt, an octogenarian with a military service-connected disability, was born in Charleston, South Carolina. After serving in the Army (11th Airborne and 24th Infantry Divisions), he earned degrees at the University of South Carolina and Clarion University of Pennsylvania as well as a Diploma in Anglo-Irish Literature at Trinity College Dublin. As a young poet, he was active on the reading circuit, giving over 100 public readings of his work at colleges, universities, and libraries across the nation. His work has appeared in Poetry Ireland Review, Poet Lore, Southwestern Review, South Carolina Review, Crazyhorse, Montana Mouthful, Tinderbox, Atlanta Review, etc. His 2022 collection of around 180 poems called “Weaned on War: The Collected Poems of Eugene Platt” now is availble from Ireland-based Revival Press, at local bookstores, and on Amazon. His 2020 collection Nuda Veritas was alsopublished by Revival Press. He lives in Charleston with his main muses: Canadian-born wife Judith, corgi Bess, cats Finnegan and Maeve. His website is
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Topic: Sarah Cooper with Eugene Platt
Time: Oct 13, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Seminar Title: Writing the Body, the Body Writing: Poetic Voice & Uncertainty
During this workshop we will examine the power of voice when crafting vulnerable poems. We will begin by turn to poets who have done this and analyze methods for deploying voice. Then, we will move into our own writing and ask: who/what is the poetic voice in our writing? How do your experiences shape your poetic voice?
Poetry Society of South Carolina is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sarah Cooper Seminar/Workshop
Time: Oct 14, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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