Join the Poetry Society of
South Carolina
On this page you can:
-Learn about Memberships
-View Membership Types
-Pay Membership Dues
- Register for Zoom Readings & Workshops
- Register/pay for in-person Workshops
-Donate to PSSC
Membership in the PSSC
Founded in 1920 with its hub in Charleston, The Poetry Society of South Carolina (PSSC) is the oldest state poetry society in the country. The Society exists to support the reading, writing, study, and enjoyment of poetry and the enrichment that poetry can bring. Besides the free monthly programs, we also provide workshops, seminars, contests, open mics, outdoor events, and much more throughout the state.
If you are not already a member, we invite you to become one. Members receive a copy of the Yearbook (either digital or printed), notices of monthly meetings and other literary events, free entry into our fall and spring poetry competitions, and the opportunity to belong to a supportive statewide community of poets and friends of poetry. The Society’s membership year, much like a school year, runs from July 1 to June 30. We encourage new and returning members to pay their dues during the summer in anticipation of supporting our mission during the full calendar year.
To join, please send a check payable to The Poetry Society of South Carolina to: PSSC, P.O. Box 1090, Charleston, SC 29402. Payment may be made through PayPal via the PSSC website, We cannot carry out our mission without your continued support.
PLEASE NOTE: It has been eight years since our dues were increased. The board has voted to increase dues beginning in the 2023-2024 calendar year. For those who wish to continue paying at the old dues rates, we offer basic memberships at the individual and student levels. These members will receive a link to an online version of the Yearbook at the end of the season. Standard membership levels will receive a printed Yearbook in the mail.
Standard Membership Levels:
Lifetime Member $500
Founder’s Circle $175
Sustainer $100
Patron $75
Family $50
Individual Plus $40
Basic Memberships with digital Yearbook:
Individual $30
Student $15
Registration for Seminars & Zoom Workshops/Readings:
Zoom Workshops $0+
Zoom Readings $0+
Donate to The Poetry Society of South Carolina here.
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If you'd like to give more, we welcome your donation by check to The Poetry Society of South Carolina: P.O. Box 1090 Charleston, SC 29402 or by cash or PayPal at any event